"Joker" cinematographer Lawrence Sher lists his top five movies of all time.

Elegant, simple, beautiful and sublimely funny. Proof again that some of our greatest comedic actors are also some of our best dramatic ones.

Pure visceral, immediate and emotional storytelling. For my money, it’s the most influential movie of all time. It proves the power that movies can have to change our point of view forever. I certainly have never swam in the ocean and not thought of Jaws. Thanks for nothing Spielberg.

Pure crowd-pleasing entertainment wrapped in a totally authentic package and lead character. We love the underdog both in front and behind the camera and proof that sometimes when you lose you still win.

Take me to a place I’ve never been to before and introduce me to characters so human that I feel like I’ve known them my whole life. And, sometimes we really do need a happy ending where the good guys win.

The power of movie stars and the chemistry that can transform a film. A great script and actors can allow you to suspend all disbelief and just take the ride. And the final moment in the tunnel of the football stadium is pure romance in cinema.